Getting to Know Each Other

Hello class, welcome to this level!

We are going to learn everything we need to know about upper-intermediate communication skills in the language, the development of your listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills, as well as all those important things you need to know in order to be a successful English speaker.

To start with this blog, please fill out your entry with following information:

Deadline: on thursday, February 24th, at 2:00pm.


  1. Said Salinas BCH-1
    hello! am Said Salinas.I usually get up early, around 5:00 then i take a quick shower.
    then i have breakfast. Then i go to class at 7:00 and finish at 11:00. Then at 12:00 lunch. later I do my homework. Later i go to bed before 11:00 because i need a good rest to be energetic the next day.

  2. Angella Calero - BCH 1
    My daily routine is:

    I wake up at 6 am, get up, then brush my teeth and wash my face. Then I go to class and have breakfast and go back to class, until finishing at 12 pm, lunch. I take a shower when I finish taking a shower I change, then I draw and make clay pieces, at the end of my day I wash my mouth and go to bed at 10:30 pm.

  3. Hi my name is Hackdeliin Peña.
    The first thing I do is get up at 5:40, then I go and brush my teeth, I do exercises, then I take a shower. I go to class at 7am while I have breakfast, at 1pm I have lunch and do my homework afterwards I watch some series and walk my dog. I have dinner at 8pm and go to bed at 10pm

  4. usually wake up at 7:00 am
    Sometimes I play football in the afternoons
    She takes a shower at night
    He goes to the gym in the afternoons
    We usually go running in the mornings
    Sometimes they go for a coffee after work
    I teach a class in the university every morning
    I spend time on Instagram before going to bed VICTOR RIVERA BCH 1

  5. My name is : Jefferson EnamoradoBCH-1

    first I get up at 6:30am, then at 6:40am I have my breakfast, later I take a shower at 11:20, then I watch a series on Netflix, then I go to soccer practice at 2pm, then I go to the gym at 4 pm, then I have my dinner at 8 pm and then I go to bed to sleep.

  6. My name is Elionai Cabrera
    First I wake up at 6 am every day, then I make my bed, then I brush my teeth and face and take a shower, then I change and do my makeup, then I prepare my breakfast, after that I prepare to take classes, then at 7 am I take my classes, then at 11 I turn off the computer and put away my class things, then at 12 I prepare my lunch and eat, then at 1 pm I take a shower, at 1 20 pm I put on sports clothes and I get my things ready to go to the gym, then at 2 pm I go to the gym, then at 5 I have a smoothie or some food, then at 5 30 pm I take a shower, then at 6 pm I change and prepare my dinner, at 7 I take piano lessons, then at 8 pm I give tutoring to my cousins in math and English classes, then at 10 I wash my mouth and face, finally at 10 30 pm I sleep.

  7. My name ir Britany Hissel Flores Martinez
    and my routine is in the morning I get up at 6:30 and have breakfast then I get ready to receive my classes online I finish and do homework then lunch and if I have finished all the homework I leave in the afternoon I come back at night I take a shower I have dinner I look some movie and I'm going to sleep

  8. My Name is Alejandra Cerrato.

    My daily routine:
    First I get up at 5:50 in the morning, I wash my face, I brush my teeth, I take a shower, I change, I wait a few minutes before the first class starts, which is at 7:00 am, I finish receive classes, then I have my breakfast, then I do my homework, I do my exercise routine, when I finish I wait a few minutes to cool down and take a shower, then I have lunch, I watch a little television, then I have dinner, I wash my face and brush my teeth, and finally go to sleep.

  9. My name is Ismael Alcantara, first I wake up at 5:30am, I get up at 6:00am, I take a shower at 6:40, I start classes at 7:00am, do my homework at 11:00am, lunch at 12:30pm, I watch TV in the afternoon, I have dinner at 7:30pm, and I go to sleep at 10:30pm.

  10. My name is lizzy i wake up at 6:20 am
    i am take i shower. I brush my hear and my theeth. Later i go to school at 7:00 am every day. I eat my breakfast and I finish classes at 10 am. Later i do homeworks. I eat my Lunch. Then i use my phone

  11. My Name is Fernando José matute Matute

    I get up at 6:20 a.m, I wash my face, I go to class at 7:00 a.m, breakfast at 8:40 a.m., I take a shower at 11:40 a.m., lunch at 12:20, I play a video game at 3:00 p.m., I fall asleep at 9:00 p.m.

  12. My name is Christian David Tinoco Palma

    First I get up at 6 am and wake up at 6:50 am, then I have breakfast and brush my teeth, then I go to class from 7 am to 11 am, finally I sleep until 1:40 pm and have lunch at 1 :45 pm, I finally look at my cell phone at 9:00 pm

  13. Katherine Dayana Aguirre Sanchez

    I get up at 6:00 am , and then i take a Shower,then I brush my teeth ,and at 7:00 am I go to class , and 10:00 am I have Breakfast and then I do my Homework, and 12:30pm I have Lunch , and in the afternoon I rest , and I 7:00 pm Dinner ,And 10:00 pm I go to sleep .

  14. Maney Is Alex jasir Ponce Hernández i get up in the morning , i brush my teeth how tall are you i go to face to face classes i do my homework

  15. My name is Genesis Jireth Flores Flores.
    I wake up at 6:30am and I take a shower,Then I brush my teeth. Later I eat my breakfast, after that I receive my classes at 7am everyday. Later I eat my lunch at about 1.30 pm. Then I do my homework. Then I do my house and go to the gym. when I come back from the gym I take a bath again, Then I have dinner, I brush my teeth again and I go to bed.

  16. Hi mi name Is Marcela, i wake up at 6:00 am, after breakfast and start receiving classe, later i do homeworks, i am take i shower, i eat my lunch. I play on my cell phone and watch tv, i have dinner, bruhs my teeth and go yo sleep.

  17. My name is Luis Sánchez

    I wake up at 6am I take a shower. then I brush
    my teeth. Later I eat my breackfast. After that
    I receive online classes at 7am everyday. And
    I leave class at 10 am. Later I do my homework
    listeng to music. Then I have lunch watching a movie .
    And I sleep until 4pm. Then I go to the gym and
    I leave at 7pm, and I come home for dinner at 8pm.
    Finally I go to sleepat 11pm.

  18. My name is Astrid Hernandez

    First I wake up at 6:50 a.m. When I wake up, I look at my cell phone, then I get up at 6:55 a.m and brush my teeth, at 7:00 a.m I start receiving my classes and then a finish them at 10 a.m. At 10:20 I start doing my homework, and if I'm lucky at 11 a.m I finish doing it, then at 1:30 p.m I get lunch, at 2:00 p.m I go to sleep and wake up at 3:30, at 4:00 p.m I get up and at 4:10 p.m I start doing exercise, at 6:00 p.m I finish doing exercise. At 6:30 p.m I take a shower, and at 7:00 p.m I eat dinner, then I play with my dog for like 30 minutes, then I spend my time watching movies or series, at 10:00 p.m I brush my teeth, and at the end I go to sleep at 10:30 p.m.

  19. My name is Erick benitez
    My daily routine starts like this:
    I get up at 6:30 in the morning, tiene I
    Brush my theeth, then I take a shower, then he combed my hair, then I have
    Breakfast, next I have classes, then I do homework at 12:00, then I take Lunch,
    Next I watch TV, last I take dinner, and finally I go to bed at 10:00pm

  20. First I get up, then I wash my face brush my teeth, nreakfast and receive classes, then i do my homework, read a book then I bathe and Kepping reading luch and a take a nap i get up to eat and then i bathe to go back to sleep. BRITANY JASMIN MARTINEZ ROMERO BCH-1

  21. I m Karina Aragon
    I first wake up at 6:40 am. then I brush my teeth at 6:45 am. then I take classes at school at 7:00 am. and then I do my homework the rest of the morning. then I eat my lunch at 12:30 pm. then I shower at 1:00 pm. then I help in the house to clean if it is the day that I have, I finish at 2:00 pm. then I watch series, or watch videos on YouTube or chat with my friends 6:00 pm. I have dinner with my family at 6:30pm. and i'm still on my phone and rested for the other day

  22. My name is Angie Reyes
    I wake up at 6:00 am.I get up at 6:15 am then I go to the bathroom I brush my teeth I wash my face at 6:45 am I go down to turn on the computer to receive classes after receiving classes I do my homework at 10:30am I have breakfast confles with milk then I help a little in the homework then at 12:30pm I have lunch I stay watching a series then if I haven't finished the tasks I finish them later when I finish them I take a shower then at 5:30 pm I go to school church and I come at 7:30 pm then I have a shot for dinner then I stay playing on the cell phone and at 11:30pm I go to sleep.

  23. My name is Monica Lainez BCH 1
    My daily routine is: First wake up at 6:00 am. Get up 6:30 am. Brush my teeth and have classes. Have breakfast 10:00 am. I do my homework. Have lunch at 12:00 pm. I do my homework again at 1:30 pm. Have a shower, get dressed, comb my hair and brush my teeth. Watch tv a while. Have dinner at 6:30 pm. Rest for a while and go to bed at 10:00 pm.

  24. My name is Rosselyn Garcia. I get up at 5 I take a shower I brush myself and change and I start classes at 7 and finish at 10 then I help my mom in the business then I do homework and have lunch at 2 then I go out with my pets and then I help her with the business.

  25. My name is Anyi Gunera
    My daily routine
    I wake up at 6:30 am. And I get up.Then I brush my teeth.Later I have classes . And I have breakfast at 9:40 am . Later I do your homework .And I take a shower . And I comb your hair. And l get dressed. And I in the cell phone .And I take my dinner at 7:00 pm. Finally I go to sleep at 10:30 pm

  26. Mi Name Is Emyly Matute

    I get up 6:15 a.m, and then I take a shower,then I brush my teeth and at 7:00 am I go to school and 10:00 a.m I have breackfast and the I do my homework 10:40 a.m I do and watch TV and I go sleep 10:00 p.m


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Noveno-3 English Class / Mr. Matute