8VO-1 English Class Mr.Matute


Getting to Know Each Other

Hello class, welcome to this level!

We are going to learn everything we need to know about upper-intermediate communication skills in the language, the development of your listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills, as well as all those important things you need to know in order to be a successful English speaker.

To start with this blog, please fill out your entry with following information:

Deadline: on thursday, February 24th, at 2:00pm.


  1. I'm Nathalie Veliz, and this is my routine,
    the first thing I do is get up at 6:00am, then I brush my teeth and wash my face, at 7am I go to my classes, after finishing classes I have breakfast, then I do my homework, after finishing I take a shower, then I go to sleep, and when I get up I have lunch, then I do any activity, and around 9:30 I go to sleep.

  2. hello, I am denise zepeda,and this is my routine, I get up at 6:00am,then breakfast,then i go to the bathroom to brush my teeth and shower,then i go to school at 7:00am, then i do my homework,then lunch at 12:00pm,then i get distracted watching tv,then i have dinner at 7:00pm,and finally i brush my teeth and go to sleep.

  3. I'm ileana lopez and this is my routine

    The first thing I do is wake up at 6:00 am, then I take a shower, then I brush my teeth. then I get my classes at 7:00 am, then I do my homework, then I have lunch at about 1:30 pm and then I do any activity, then I have dinner at 8:00 pm and we watch a soap opera
    and finally I go to sleep at 10:30 pm

  4. Hi,everyday
    I am Andrea Lanza 8vo "1"
    This is my daily routine
    I wake upé at 6 am anda I take a shower.then I brush my teeth.later I eat my breakfast. after that I live my clases online at 7 am everyday .and finally at 10 am. later I eat my Lunch. then I do my task. and I watch tik tok. then at night I read a reading yo relax. and I take my dinner at 7pm. finally I go to sleep at 9pm.

  5. Josue Corrales 8vo1
    I wake up at 6 a.m. and i take a shower the i Brush my teeth later i Eat my breakfast after that i go to school at 7am everyday and i arrive at home at 3pm later i eat my lunch then i do my task and i play soccer at 5pm then i wach tv at night and i take my dinner at 8pm finally i go to sleep at 10pm

  6. Hello everyone.
    I get up at 6:00 am then I wash my face at 6:10 am then I brush my teeth 6:15 am I take a shower at 6:20 am then I get dressed at 6:30 am then I have breakfast at 6:40 am then at 6:50 am I get ready for school and at 7:00 am I arrive at school and at 12:30 I have lunch and then I arrive home at 1:30 pm and at 2: 00 pm I do my homework then I go to an English course at 4:00 pm and at 6:30 pm I have dinner and then at 7:00 I watch TV and then at 7:50 pm I train and at 9:30 I go to sleep.


  7. hello, i am Daniel Irias, The first thing I do is wake up at 6:30 amn
    then I brush my teeth.
    then I get my classes at 7:00 am,
    then I do my homework,
    then I have lunch at about 1:30 pm
    and then I play video games,
    then I have dinner at 7:00 pm
    and finally I go to sleep at 10:30 pm

  8. Hello,I am Gerson I get up from my bed at 6:00 am and brush my teeth and have breakfast then I take a shower and at 7:00 am I go to class and I finish at 10:00 am and then I do my homework and I finish at 1:00 pm and then I play video games at 3:00 pm and at 7:00 am I have dinner and then I brush my teeth and put on pajamas and go to sleep at 10:00

  9. Hi my name is María Fernanda this is my daily routine

    The first thing i do is wake up at 5:45am. Then get up at 6:00am. Next i brush my teeth. Then i am goin to have breakfast at 6:10am. Last i shower at 6:20am. Then comb your hair at 6:26am. Last get dressed at 6:35am. Next have classes at 7:00am. Then have lunch at 12:00pm. Next do your homework at 1:00pm . Last watch te at 3:00pm. Then i play wit my dog at 4:00pm. Next have dinner at 7:00pm. Finally go go to bed.

  10. Hi teacher, I'm Alessandra Gmez from 8th 1 and this is my daily routine.
    I get out of bed at 6:3am, I wash my face, I brush my teeth and I enter the online classes at 7:00am, when I get out of them I do my homework, I take a shower so I can
    play with my friends and at 4:00 pm I enter the ballet class.

  11. Johan Pereira
    I wake up at 5 am and take a shower, then brush my teeth. then I have my breakfast at 7 am every day. then I enter my virtual classes. I'll do my homework later. then I play video games at 7pm. So I watch TV at night. and I have my dinner at 8pm. I finally go to sleep at 10pm

  12. Gerald Funes
    I get up at 6:30 a.m. I take a shower I change and take classes after breakfast I do homework later I help around the house lunch then I play video games and then I breastfeed and eat at 12 I go to sleep

  13. Hi, I'm David Funes.
    I get up at 5am then I take a shower breakfast and at 7am I go to school at 12pm I return to my house then 2pm I have lunch at 5pm I watch TV then I have dinner and at 9pm I go to sleep

  14. Hola mr soy Emmy Montoya de 8 "1"

    Me levanto a las 6, antes de iniciar clases me baño y después de terminar clases como mi desayuno después empiezo a hacer mi tarea y cuando llega la hora de almorzar pues como y cuando termino vuelvo hacer mi tarea y la envío después me pongo a ver videos y después llega la hora de cena y cuándo terminó de cenar voy a lavar los platos que ensucie y a las 10 me voy a dormir

  15. My name is marcely Chavez, I start my day at 6:30 to take a shower and start classes at 7 o'clock, while I wait for class at 9, I look for something quick for breakfast, at 10 I finish classes and start homework, lunch, if I have more assignments continue, if not, I continue to hang out with the family for a while, and at 3 pm I take a nap, when I get up I have a snack and check social networks until dinner time, that's more than everything.

  16. Hello everyone, I'm Kensy Rico.
    I get up at 6:20, I stretch, and then I take a shower, I brush my teeth, I have breakfast, then at 7:00 I start my classes, I do my homework, then I start to clean my house and rest for a while with my phone mobile, then my mother makes dinner at 8:10 and I go to sleep at 10:20

  17. Hi i am kevin mattinez 8vo 1. 6am i take a shower 6:10 am i have breakfast 6:15am i brush mi face 6: 18 am i then brush mi teeht the 7 am and 10 am in class virtual in the 1 pm i have mi lunch in the 5pm play video games, 7pm i have dinner , 10 pm i go to the sleep

  18. Hi, my name is Megan Funes. I'm here to tell you about my daily routine. Well, I get up at 6 am and take a shower. I change, I set the table and take classes, then I have homework, lunch and I play on my phone, then I have dinner and go to sleep at 11 pm.

  19. Hello everyone, I'm Ashley Caballero.
    I get up at 6:30, I have breakfast, I brush my teeth, I go to class, I do my homework, I then lunch, I play witn mh rabbits, I break litte bit, I watch tv, I wath videos on tik tok, I will have dinner later, and sleep at 10:40pm

  20. Good afternoom my name is Emmy Montoya

    I take a shower and after I finish clases I eat breakfast. Thea I eat and I go back to do my homewok and send it later I later I start watching videos and the it's time for dinner and when I finish dinner I go to wash the dishes and I go to bed at ten o'clock and that's it.

  21. Hello, Im Naomy Reyes, and this is my routine
    I get up al 6:30am, then Im brush my teeth and wash my fase ,at 7am I go to my classes , aftes finishing classes I have breakfast , then i do my homework , after I will take a shower and aftes i play video games finally I go to sleep at 11pm

  22. Good afternoon mr name is Bayron Castañeda.

    I get uo at 6:00am the I brush my teeth later a while I have lunch and then I take a shower and I bisto and I go to school and when I finish class I don my homewerk and after finishing home work I play with the bike and when I get boret I watch tv and after a while I fall asleep at 12:36pm.

  23. Hello my name is Leonardo Canales and this is my routine: I get up at 6:30 then I wash my face and teeth then I go to class at 7:00, after I finish my classes I do more homework, then I take a shower and I go to lunch at 1:30, then I go out to play at 3:30 until 6:30 then I have dinner at 8:00 and I go to

  24. Hello, I am Ariana lanza, and this is my routine,I get up at 6:00am,then breakfast,then i go to bathroom to brush my teeth and shower,then i go to school at 7:00am,then i do my homework,then lunch at 12:00pm,then i get distracted watching tv then i have dinner at 7:00pm,and finally i brush my teeth and go to sleep

  25. Alisson Rivera
    Hello. My daily routine
    1) i get yo ay 5;00 .
    2) i take a shower i brush
    My tweets 5:15 i combi My hait and hace breakfast 5:40.
    3) i fix things for clases 6:00.
    4) i Enter clases 7:00.
    5) i finish clases 10:00 .
    6)lunch i do homework 1:00
    Breast i sleep ar 9:00

  26. hello everdyday i am estrella paz 8vo 1 i get up at 6 i stretch and then i have breakfast then at 7 my class online o got 10 am later l eat my lunch then l do my task and i take yo relax my dinner at 7pm finally i go to sleep at 9pm

  27. Hi, I'm Angel Pineda from 8vo.1 and this is my Daily Routine
    I wake up at 6 am and brush my teeth, take a bath and go to class at 7 am, breakfast at 9 am, lunch at 1 pm, after that I do my homework and help clean my house and then I play video games at 6 pm to dinner at 7 pm, then at 10 pm I brush my teeth and finally go to sleep.

  28. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    1. Hello, homework by Emili Romero 8vo 1
      I wake up at 6:35 am and take a quick shower. Then I brush my teeth. then I have my classes like every day. later, after finishing my classes, I do my homework and then I have lunch, then I watch movies or videos on my tablet and finally I brush my teeth and go to sleep.

  29. Hi,everdyday i an hexy Sánchez 8vo1Iwake up ay 6:30am am brush my teeth ,take and go yo Classe and8:00 an an a play Vedia gane am 6:00pm to dinner at 7:00pm I brush
    My teeth and finally go yo sleep.

  30. My name is cristhian alejandro villalobos giron and this is my routine

    The first thing i do is get up at 6:30 and get ready to go to class and at 7:00 i go to claas until 2 then at 3:00 i go to play video games online,from 3:00 to 5:00 i help make dineer or i go to church dependig on the Day and until 10:00 i get ready for bed and i brush my teeth and that's it

    This was my routine for the week

  31. Hello I am Iliana Izaguirre, the first thing I do is wake up st 6:00 am and brush my teeth and have breakfast then I take a shower and at 7:00 am
    Then I do my homework
    Then I have lunch at about 2:00pm
    Then I play video games at 5:00pm
    And at 8:00pm
    And finally I go to sleep at 11:00 pm.

  32. Hi everyone is

    First i get up then i brush my teeth the i get in position to receive classes when classes are over i do te asignments left by the teachers then i have breakfast and final i do my housework.

  33. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  34. hi my name is Aaron Urbina from 8VO 1

    I get up at 6 in the morning, I take a shower, I change, I get classes after classes, breakfast after school, I do my homework, then I play with my friends, then I clean the house, then I listen to music, then I have lunch, then I watch videos, I sleep for 2 hours so I watch TV with my mom and then I go to sleep at 9 pm


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Noveno-3 English Class / Mr. Matute