Hello class, welcome to this level  

today is a good day for improving your English

We are going to learn everything we need to know about upper-intermediate communication skills in the language, the development of your listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills, as well as all those important things you need to know in order to be a successful English speaker         

Write  the sentences in simple present o simple past con los verbos vistos en clases.
write your full name. 

Deadline: Saturday, May 22th, at 12:00am.


  1. Respuestas
    1. 1. Play all day on the pc
      2. Iwent winth a friend to have drinks
      3. Listen to music while playing
      4. My coinsi is going to a bath
      5. I whatched a movi yesterday
      6. Write all day for classes
      7. Today my coinsy will want juice
      8. Today my dad is going to have his shoes
      9. My brother is goning to enter a dance contest
      10. L will see a movie
      11. Il'l cut maual jod
      12. My dad has to take the code
      13. I have big dog
      14. My dad is in charge of handlingo produtcs
      15. I spent it jumping rope
      16. I cried for the loss of my dog

      Tony elvir 8-2

  2. 1. I Played the whole day with my friends.
    2. Suzy cried because she was sad.
    3. I listened to my friend when he was sad.
    4. Britanny went to the mall with her mom
    5. Rachelle drank a lot of soda😨.
    6. My dad drove all the way.
    7. I watched the anime called 'Attack on Titan'.
    8. Felix wrote an amazing song.
    9. I wanted to go to the cinema, so here i am.
    10. Chris danced the whole party lol.
    11. I saw a horror movie yesterday with my Aunt.
    12. My grandma cut her hair last night (she looks beautiful).
    13. My dad got a new job in Choluteca.
    14. Five little monkeys jumped in a bed, but one fell off and bumped his head😭.
    15. I had a headache last night.
    16. Adriana took a picture of my face🙄👎🏻.

    PS: Gabriel Mendoza Octavo "2"

    1. 1- I played fornite they whole day.
      2- Kurapika cried because he no eat
      3- I listened to My mom he was happy
      4- Carlos went to they park with tour friend's
      5- My oncle drove all the way
      6- I watched the movie: Pacman
      7- Sofía drank the juice
      8- Mario wrote the amazing poema
      9- i wanted to go to the pool
      10- María danced the whole party
      11- I kinkong a suspención movie yesterday with My father
      12- My mom cut she hair yesterday
      13- My aunt foto a new Jon un Tegucigalpa
      14- My sister jumped in the ves
      15- i has a headache at 5 AM
      16- Félix took a pictore the guacamaya

      Cristian zaldivar 8-2

  3. Play: I like play.
    Drink: I drink the water.
    Want: I want eat.
    Get: I got ten.
    Cry: He cries from pain.
    Drive: He drove all night.
    Dance: She danced bachata.
    Jump: You yomped con the bed.
    Listen: dos you hear the class.
    Whatch: I whatch TV.
    See: I saw you yesterday.
    Have: He has a computer
    Go: I wil go to Santa Lucia
    Write: she wrote the topic
    Cut: they cut the leaves
    Take: i carey coca cola

    Atte: Hugo Daniel Bejarano Aguire de 8-2

  4. 1. I like to play video games.

    2. I like to drink a lot of lemonade.

    3. I want a pc gamer.

    4. I get my passport last week.

    5. She cry the room.

    6. They drive to car.

    7. She like dance.

    8. Jump to the pool.

    9. I listen to music in English.

    10. I like to watch netflix.

    11. See you tomorrow.

    12. I have a computer.

    13. I go to play basketball.

    14. I write a song.

    15. He doesn´t cut that paper.

    16. I want to take my dog ​​for a walk

  5. 1. I like to play video games.

    2. I like to drink a lot of lemonade.

    3. I want a pc gamer.

    4. I get my passport last week.

    5. She cry the room.

    6. They drive to car.

    7. She like dance.

    8. Jump to the pool.

    9. I listen to music in English.

    10. I like to watch netflix.

    11. See you tomorrow.

    12. I have a computer.

    13. I go to play basketball.

    14. I write a song.

    15. He doesn´t cut that paper.

    16. I want to take my dog ​​for a walk


  6. They played nintendo
    He drunk water
    She wanted to play the piano
    I got enough money
    Barbie cried yesterday
    She drove his motorcycle
    They danced in the theater
    I jumped in de dancing
    She listened me
    He watched the series
    She saw me last night
    He had four cars
    He went to his house
    I wrote a letter
    They cut the carpet
    I took this lesson

  7. They played nintendo
    He drunk water
    She wanted to play the piano
    I got enough money
    Barbie cried yesterday
    She drove his motorcycle
    They danced in the theater
    I jumped in de dancing
    She listened me
    He watched the series
    She saw me last night
    He had four cars
    He went to his house
    I wrote a letter
    They cut the carpet
    I took this lesson

  8. Liliana Paola Oviedo González
    Octavo “2”
    We played futball yesterday
    She drunk juice yet
    I wanted to be doctor
    He got a cold las night
    She cried when she lost
    My dad drive his car
    I danced in the party
    They jumped the lace
    They listened the song
    We watched the movie
    I saw her yesterday
    I had three oranges
    Sh went to the park
    He wrote that book
    I cut the apple
    She took me pencil

  9. I played free diré

    He drunk coca cola

    Katerin Is go park

    She took me marker

    I wanted to be estoy

    We wachet the tv

  10. My Mon drive a car

    I cup a pech

    I jump the souga

    Katerin Gissel Borden Aguilera de octavo dos

  11. 1.I played video games.
    2.She drank two glasses of wine at the party.
    3.They wanted us to go home.
    4.I got in trouble.
    5.I had been crying.
    6.he youngster drives his father's tractor for the first time.
    7.We dance in the disco Stragos.
    8.That's how she jumped when she saw me in trouble.
    9.I listened to her talk about me.
    10.I. watched. a. movie. , and. then. I. went. to. bed.
    11.She saw your dog in the park.
    12.I had flu last week.
    13.I went to the drugstore.
    14.I wrote to my mom a letter from Honduras.
    15.When Sandra dropped the glass, small shards cut her hand.
    16.It took me 15 minutes to change that tire.


  12. Óscar alfredy Banegas soriano octavo 2

    1.You can play in three weeks when we're doing the Mahler
    2.I hate drink tea
    3.I want to travek to japan
    4.He gets $1,000 a year from hus father
    5.Don't worry, darling, you used to cry all the time
    6.I've been waiting to drive this car my entre life
    7.He never learned how to dance
    8.the fans were jump up and dowm with excitement
    9.I did not listen to a NEW podcast
    10.This watch is too importante, and yo'rea wildcard
    11.Even with his poor eyeaight, he can see the truth
    12.have you ever been in Canadá?
    13.I go to school every morning
    14.I can't write a letter like that to my karl
    15.I'm going to cut my notebook
    16.I'll take my jacket and purse

  13. He drunk coca cola

    I saw her yesterday

    I wrote a letter

    I took this lesson

    I danced in the party

    I like to watch netflix

    I have a computer

    I Jump to the pool

    my mom cut me the hair yesterday

    i play pubg mobile all day yesterday

  14. 1.Jugar: hoy voy a jugar todo el dia
    2.Beber: mi mama me llevo a beber un jugo de naranja
    3.Quiero: quiero ir a correr con mi hermana
    4.Get: quiero obtener 10 en todas mis calificaciones
    5.Grito: clamar en voz alta
    6.Conducir: mi papa me enseño a conducir
    7.Baile: ayer baile con mi prima toda la noche
    8.Jump: saltar de emocion
    9.Escucha: escucha lo que dicen
    10.Mira: mi mama me dijo mira con atencion
    11.whatch: mira el teléfono
    12.Tener: el quiere tener un celular
    13.Iré: iré a dejar a las tortugas el domingo
    14.Escribir: tuve que escribir lo que mi mama me dijo
    15.Cortar: tuve que cortar la llamada
    16.Tomar: tuve que tomar prestado tu suéter

    Nombre: Karol yaneth figueroa godoy

    Sección: 8-2

  15. 1- play: I play soccer
    2- Drink: I drink cofre in the morning
    3- Want: i want to go to the Cinema
    4- get: Axel was able to get a great score
    5- cry: she cry out of despair
    6- drive: you have to drive more than 1 hour
    7- dance: Gabriel loves to dance
    8- jump: I jump rope
    9- listen: I listen to music
    10- Watch: I Watch the TV
    11- see: I can see the sky
    12- have: Liliana have a rabbit
    13- go: I will go to rest
    14- write: love to write
    15- cut: yesterday i cut my hair
    16- take: I'll take a bath

    Britany Alejandra Torres Velásquez de Octavo 2

  16. 1. They playera soccer.
    2. I drank water a yesterday.
    3. I wanted pizza.
    4. I got up early.
    5. That girl is crying because she fell.
    6. My dad knew how to Drive the car.
    7. She danced at the party.
    8. I was jumping rope.
    9. She listened yo jazz music.
    10. I watched television yesterday.
    11. She saw her phone yesterday.
    12. I had many shirts.
    13. I went to my cousins' house.
    14. I wrote a fairytale.
    15. I cut the fruits.
    16. I took my phone to charge.


  17. 1.I am play Soccer
    2.I am drink coca cola
    3.she want playing soccer
    4.she wanted to get that toy
    5.that kid want to cry
    6.she drives very fast
    7.she is dance
    8.he is jump every day
    9.listen to music
    10.I have a watch
    11.my mother see tv
    12.I have tv
    13.he wants to go shopping
    14.she likes to write
    15.I am cut paper
    16.my brother's going to take

    Chelsy fernanda hernandez lopez 8-2

  18. Play: he plays the violin
    Drinking: antonia goes out to drink on the weekends
    Want: he loves me very much
    Get: I have someone very special in my life
    Cry: I am not used to crying like some
    Driving: I've been learning to drive for 2 months
    Dance: I like to dance with you
    Skip: you skipped a lot of classes today
    Listen: you must learn to listen
    Whatch: she's looking at you too much
    Go: I like to go there on Saturdays
    Writing: writing so tiring
    Cut: can you cut the cucumber?
    Carry: you have a lot of advantage, do not worry
    April Salgado 8vo "2"

  19. 1.i play Soccer .
    2 . I only drink mineral water .
    3. I want a dog.
    4 .i Will get that stufed animal.
    5 .mi cat cryl a lot .
    6 . I have to learn to drive .
    7 .i like yo dance .
    8 . I have to jump into the lake .
    9 . I like listen to music .
    10 .i like to wacth the sunrise.
    11.i had to see my dad today.
    12.i have that shirt.
    13.i'm going to go home .
    14.i hace to write everything.
    15.i have to cut my hair .
    16.i hace to take my dog.

  20. 1.Play video games Yesterday at 3 o'clock.

    2.I only drink mineral Water.

    3.I want yo travel yo japan

    4.I,have so much Homework,I'd better get on with it.

    5.Don't sorry,darling, you used yo cry all the time.

    6.I' ve been waiting yo drive this car my entire life.

    7.I dance in the class.

    8.I have to jump inti the lake.

    9.I like listen yo music.

    10.But if His life's in danger,he'll hace to listen.

    11.Maybe que van Watch a movie at oír next appointment.

    12.Even with His poor eyesight,he can see the truth.

    13.I can't a letter like that to my mom.

    14.You can go barefoot,the lady says it's very healthy.

    15.she have cut herself.

    16.Our job is yo traje care of her.

    Juan José Valladares Carias 8-“2”

  21. 1. I like to play video games.

    2. I like to drink a lot of lemonade.

    3. I want a pc gamer.

    4. I get my passport last week.

    5. She cry the room.

    6. They drive to car.

    7. She like dance.

    8. Jump to the pool.

    9. I listen to music in English.

    10. I like to watch netflix.

    11. See you tomorrow.

    12. I have a computer.

    13. I go to play basketball.

    14. I write a song.

    15. He doesn´t cut that paper.

    16. I want to take my dog ​​for a walk

    Dᴇ:ʀᴏᴄɪᴏ ᴅᴇʟ ᴄᴀʀᴍᴇɴ ʟᴀɪɴᴇᴢ ᴠᴇʟᴀsǫᴜᴇᴢ ᴅᴇ 8-2

  22. Sam has bien fórced to play the lost game alone

    You Know, he sido hace adrink in his hand

    Hey want to go to the cinema

    I have so much homework I'd better get on with is

    Don't worry darling,you usted to cry all the time

    I've Been waiting to drive this car my entire lite

    You're gong to the dance,and judson is so cute

    This is Ford never letting me jump on my own bed

    But if his life's un danger he'll hace to listen

    Maybe we can watch a movie at tour Next appointment.

    She Wants to visit to her mom.

    I have so mucho homework

    You're gong to the dance,and Judson is so cute.

    This is for never letting me jum on my own bed

    But if his life's un danger he'll have to listen

    Even with his por eyeysigtht,he can see the truth

    Adriana Sofía Godoy.

  23. Unkownow:

    1.You clan play in there weeks when we're doing the manter.

    2. Don't worry darling you used ti cry all the time.

    3. I listen to music two hours ago.

    4. She can go to the mall on Saturdays.

    5. You know he did have a drink in his hand.

    6. I ve been waitaing to drive this car my entire life.

    7. This watch was stolen from our house three days go.

    8. I will write you a letter everyday.

    9. She wants to visit to hey man.

    10. You're going to the dance, and Hudson is so cute.

    11.wehere I see this picture.

    12. She have cut herself.

    13. She is going to get First place.

    14. This is for never letting me jump on my awn bed.

    15. I have one sister ano four brothers.

    16. Our second option is to take o taxi.

    Yulissa Jasmin Alvarenga Carranza 8-2


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Noveno-3 English Class / Mr. Matute