II-Finanzas- Jarimer


Hello class, welcome to this level  

today is a good day for improving your English

We are going to learn everything we need to know about upper-intermediate communication skills in the language, the development of your listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills, as well as all those important things you need to know in order to be a successful English speaker         

answer the next question in English 
write your full name 

What do you think about the song?

Puedes comentar en español..

Now!!  its your turn.......

                                    Deadline: Monday, May 17th, at 2:00pm.


  1. Jhair carbajal II-Finanzas
    It is very good, the truth gives me to understand that fear ruins my peace, my life, but it will be in all those moments to learn to get up from any situation

  2. Kensy Daniela Martinez Hernandez II-FINANZAS
    It helps us understand that questioning ourselves about what others say affects our peace of mind, but above all we have to value our stability and get up and be stronger.

  3. Adonis Fernando Barrientos Alvarenga ll de finanzas

    The song is somewhat reflective, it makes me think about fear and that it is not bad to be afraid and that everything that a comment cannot affect us

  4. Well I rhink that fear is a big part of our life we are afraid in most of the things and sometimes we think that some action that we will take we will be afraaid of it and some parts are not like that we think of being afaid of things that we are not sure

  5. Katherine Duron.
    ll de finanzas

    La canción en sí trata de cómo el miedo puede ser un gran factor para que no podamos lograr muchas cosas, incluidos nuestros gustos, pasiones, sueños, etc.
    Sin embargo, al tener confianza en uno mismo podemos romper ese miedo y lograr grandes cosas.

  6. Melvin Cerrato 2 de finanzas

    The song helps you to know that fear can affect you that he is a liar, that it can take your breath away.It tells us that we have to throw fear into the fire and cast it out of our lives.teaches you not to be afraid of anything

  7. Ailene yareli Mendoza Velásquez II de finanzas
    Makes me trink of fear makes us understand affects our tranquility and y hay some comment can affects us and fea ruins

  8. Anny Josselyn Acosta Guzmán
    It tells us that fear will always want to put a stop to the goals or objectives that we have and fear is only an obstacle that we can overcome having our own faith.

  9. Keidy Elvir ll de finanzas

    the song motivates us that no matter what people say, whatever it is, you can do what you propose.

  10. Yennifer mejia montoya II FINANZAS

    It motivates us to be better every day more and that nobody or nothing stops us and makes us feel less or belittled.

  11. Alexa Fernanda Rivera Medina II de Finanzas

    Esta canción trata de como el miedo es un gran obstáculo a vencer ya que a veces no hacemos algunas cosas o a tratar de cumplir metas por miedo a fracasar algunas personas te juzgan por no poder hacer cosas pero por eso te debes sentir miedo a no poder hacer algo al contrario debes demostrar que si puedes hacerlo y no caer por temor a algo e igual es de tenerse confianza a si mismo

  12. Génesis Celeste Espinal Cáceres II de finanzas .
    Génesis Celeste Espinal Cáceres II de finanzas.

    Génesis Celeste Espinal Cáceres II de finanzas .
    This song is about what fear is and that it can be a big problem ir a stone in our life it says that we must leave fear and hace confidence in the things we do and if we break that fear we will be able to achieve mant things

  13. Kevin Javier Rodríguez Madrid Finanzas ll, es una canción muy buena te ayuda a mejorar para la vida, que el miedo es un obstáculo para seguir adelante te dice que hacer para mejorar tiene un buen ritmo no dejarse caer por ese miedo y tener esa actitud de confianza en uno mismo la canción da un gran mensaje.

  14. Uziel Josue Carcamo Hidalgo
    The song wants us to understand that no matter what they think, it shows freedom when speaking, it speaks of having courage when doing things without paying attention to negative comments

  15. Luis fabricio ilias morazan
    This song is very beautiful and is about fear and overcoming how fear should be faced and how fear can cause many things in your life and I think that you should not pay attention to negativity

  16. La canción en sí, trata sobre el miedo y lo que puedo llegar a influir en la vida, convirtiéndose en obstáculos y nos haga tener muchas dudas en nuestra cabeza, sin embargo, el miedo lo debemos enfrentar con la frente en alto, llenos de positivismo, actitud y carácter para que logremos cumplir nuestras metas y sueños✨👌

  17. Aurora Rodriguez Madrid
    II finanzas
    Esta canción nos enseña que va a ver gente que nos desmotive, que siempre habrá miedo pero que no hay que rendirse


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