

Hello class, welcome to this level  

today is a good day for improving your English

We are going to learn everything we need to know about upper-intermediate communication skills in the language, the development of your listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills, as well as all those important things you need to know in order to be a successful English speaker         

Write 5 sentences in future continuo with will and  going to
write your full name. 

Deadline: Thursday, May 20th, at 12:00am.


  1. Loany Chirinos BCH-1
    I will buy a car soon
    You will stay home today
    She will wait for a couple of horas
    George will cook dinero
    I will make him an offer
    I am going too see you tomorrow
    I am going to get up early tomorrow
    It is going to Rain todas
    You are going to study to be a láser
    He is going to visit her next week

  2. Good Morning Mr.
    Student: Allison Jissel Jiménez Rivera
    Course: BCH-1

    Will Be:
    1.I will be buying a restaurant next year.
    2.They will be are the characters of the series.
    3.You will be not working in the department.
    4.He will be not traveling to Spain.
    5.She will be are the next owner of the company.

    Going to:
    1.I am going to be runing in the marathon tomorrow.
    2.You are not going to be going the party because you have to study.
    3.He is going to be leaving school next month.
    4.She is going to be going vacation for a while.
    5.We are going to be seeing the premiere movie.

  3. Rolanfdo Josue Ortz Zeron BCH 1
    1.They will be form a family.
    2.I will be study for tha test.
    3.You will be go for a run.
    4.They will be exercise.
    5.I will be buy a car.

    Going to:
    1.He is going espeak at themeeting.
    2.I am going to work right now.
    3.They are going to prepare some cookies for us.
    4.We are going to wash the dishes.
    5.They are not going to come with us.

  4. Marcela Nohemi Irias Avila BCH1


    They will be painting a picture.
    she will be building her house.
    he will be selling real estate.
    they will be working together.
    I will be traveling to Italy.

    Be going to

    I am going to be eating pizza for dinner.
    i am going to visiting my family.
    they are going to be playing football.
    he is going to be walking around the park.
    we are going to be watching TV.

  5. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  6. Angie Rivera BCH 1 5 oraciones con will:
    1.You will be playing cards.
    2.He'll be enjoying at the party.
    3.She will be studying French. 4.We will be teaching at the university 5.They will be sleeping 5 oraciones con going to : 1.I am going to see you tomorrow 2.I am going to sleep all day 3. I am going to cook for her 4.It is going to rain today 5. You are going to study to be a lawyer

  7. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  8. Julio Ramces Velasquez Amaya BCH 1
    1. I will be a great doctor
    2. They will be good doctor
    3. I will buy a food
    4. You will give one gift
    5. She will graduate

    Going to
    1. They are going to school
    2. We are going to party
    3. He is going to buy a food
    4. She is going to her final exam
    5. I am going to study

  9. Litzie Palma BCH 1

    Will be
    1- She will be a lawyer
    2-The boys will be good students
    3-The computer will be broken
    4-We will be in china
    5-The boys will be tired

    1-I am going to go now
    2-She is going to enjoy her birthday so much
    3-He is going to go to the mal with his sister
    4-You are going to watch this movie tonight
    5-We are going to bake a cake

  10. Samuel Moncada BCH1

    1 I will buy a house next year
    2 they are going to participate in the next movie
    3 you will not go to the cinema you have to do homework
    4 she will work here soon
    5 you will buy a car

    1 Let's go to the movies
    2 they go to work
    3 I'm going to eat chicken
    4 I'm going to visit my grandmother
    5 I'm going to study tomorrow

  11. Dariela Michell Díaz Salgado BCH I

    1. I will be help my family.
    2. You will be live in another country.
    3.You will be a good doctor.
    4. I will be continue studying.
    5.You will be good speaking English.

    Going to-
    1. You going to be feed my cat.
    2. I'm going to be practicing that topic today.
    3. I'm going to be watch TV.
    4. You going to be paint.
    5. You going to be water the plants.

  12. Emely samantha duron Ochoa De BCH"1"

    1.in 9 years I will be a successful wolman
    2.You will wait for a couple of hours.
    3.In a few years, I will have my own home
    4.At the end of the month it will be quite hot.
    5.when I work I will buy a car

    1.I'II going to the Bank tomorrow.
    2.They have the feeling their company is going to expand.
    3.I'm going to graduate from collage.
    4.At 2pm in the aftermoon I going to have a school Meeting.
    5.I'm going to a Birthday on saturday.

  13. Ana Waleska Salgado Flores BCH 1

    1. I will take my sister to a party tonight.
    2. I will stady other language.
    3. I will study tomorrow.
    4. He will walk to school.
    5. He will study for his english class.

    1.I am going to sleep all day.
    2. I am going to cook for my mother.
    3. It is going to rain today.
    4. She is going to leave for Europe on monday.
    5. We are going to go to a party.

  14. Buenos Días
    Mister: Nelson
    Ricardo Gómez BCH 1
    1. Creo que comprare un auto móvil
    2. Ella será científica
    3. El será el mejor astronauta de todos el mundo
    4. Le are una propuesta
    5. El irá al súper mercado

    Going to

    1. Voy a preparar alguna comida
    2. Voy a comprar ropa para la noche
    3. Trabajaré duro para lograrlo
    4. Creo que voy a estudiar ahora
    5. Este árbol está podrido va a caerse pronto

  15. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  16. Janeth Martínez BCH"1"
    Will be:
    She will be visiting us next Christmas
    I will be studying when you call me
    We have not called her and she will be getting angry.
    Will you be coming tomorrow morning?
    You will be working very hard tomorrow morning.
    Going to:
    We're going to play tennis at 7 PM.
    She is not going to buy that car.
    Are they going to stay at London for more than a week?
    We are going to wash the dishes.
    I am going to visit a friend this afternoon.

  17. Oscar andino BCH 1

    1 i will buy a car soon
    2.You will stay home today
    3.She will wait a couple of hours
    4.david will cook money
    5.I will make you an offer


    1 I'm going to see you tomorrow too
    2. I'm going to get up early tomorrow
    3. it's going to rain all
    4.you are going to study to be a laser
    5. going to visit next week

  18. Will be:
    i will be working
    i will be married
    i will be a great man
    i will be a great student
    i will be a great son
    Going to:
    You are not going to pass your English test if you don´t study harder
    Are you going to publish this novel?
    Look that sky, it’s going to rain soon
    He is going to speak at the meeting
    I am going to work at the morning

  19. Alisson Canales BCH 1
    1.you will do the work
    2.You will study now
    3 they will play later
    4. My mom will make cookies later
    5. My grandparents will take me to make cake

    1.I am going to pay
    2.You are going to play
    3. I am going to France in a year
    4. You are going to eat ice cream
    5. I'm going to the gym next month.

  20. Estephanie Cabrera bch-1
    •I will make him ofter.
    •I will buy car soon.
    •You will be not working in the departament.
    •She will be studying Londres.
    •I will be helo my family.

    •I'm going to graduate from collage.
    •I'm going to sleep all day.
    •I'm going to be watch TV.
    •I'm going study tomorrow.
    •I'm going to work right now.

  21. Héctor Manuel Osorio López BCH1

    Will be:
    1 he will be not traveling to spain
    2 I will buy a car soon
    3 they will be form a family
    4 they will be exercise
    5 I will be study for tha test

    Going to:
    1 they are not going to come with us
    2 I am going to work right now
    3 we are going to be watching TV
    4 I am going to visiting my family
    5 you are going to study to be a lawyer

  22. Will be
    1. l will be a good student
    2. Tomorrow Will be friday
    3. We will play in the Park Next week
    4.the store Will be Open until Seven o'clock
    5.l will be speak several foreign languages

    Going to
    1.l am going to see you tomorrow
    2.l am going to get up early tomorrow
    3.l am going to sleep all day
    4.l am going to study tomorrow
    5.l'm going out the other friday.

  23. Daniel Enrique Fletes Garay de BCH 1

    Will be

    -I will be studying later
    -I will be playing soccer tomorrow afternoon
    -They will be in a reading group in the library.
    -She will meet me tomorrow after school
    -I will be cleaning my room after doing homework

    Going to be

    -I'm going to be confessing to whoever I want at recess
    -I am going to be doing an exhibition tomorrow
    -I am going to be cleaning my room after doing my homework
    -They are going to be joining the art club on Monday
    -we are going to be doing club activities to rest later and leave

    1. Timorrow i will be studying
    2.i will not go to the game
    3.my mom will go to the doctor
    4.tomorrow i will go for a run
    5. No monday i will go to school

    1. we are going to be watching TV.
    2.he going to the meeting
    3. She going to Buy
    4.Shi is not goint to Buy that car
    5. I am going to visit a friend tris afternoon

  25. Arlex Junior Tercero Macias
    1.I will buy a hause next year
    2.she will work here soon
    3.you will buy a car
    4.you will study now
    5.you will do the work

    1.you are going to be playing
    2.I am going to be the gym in the afternoom
    3.I am going to be visit grandmother
    4.I am going to be study tomorrow
    5.I am going to be eat chicken

  26. Alexa Tatiana Figueroa Castillo BCH-1

    1. They will have a rock band in the future.
    2. We will have a huge house on the beach.
    3. Maria will be the best student in the university.
    4. Carlos will make a lot of money selling cars.
    5. He will have the car of his dreams.

    1. She is going to compete in a singing contest.
    2. I'm going to be dancing at the party tomorrow.
    3. We are going to go play in the park in the afternoon.
    4. I'm going to have an appointment on Friday.
    5. Linda is going to dance at her birthday party.

  27. Isaac Daniel Flores Chavarria

    Will be
    1- i will be walking today
    2-I will making the homework in the night
    3-She will be helping me
    4-I will be a doctor
    5-I will be my own boss

    Going to
    1-I am going to eat a salad
    2-I sm going to the party in 1 hour
    3-I am going to make a plastic flower
    4-I am going to have a son
    5-I am going to look my facebook after finish the this blog

  28. Will be
    -I will be good student.
    -He will be a lawyer.
    -Tomorrow will be saturday.
    -We will old friends.
    -The sky will be clean.

    Going to
    -I am going to visit a friend this afternoon.
    -They are not going to come eith us.
    -Are you going to publish this novel.
    -She is not going to buy the car.
    -I am going to work right now.

  29. Alejandra Michell Salgado Ponce BCH1
    1- They will be playing morning
    2- She will be practicing soccer in the field
    3- She not will be class in the morning
    4- They will be driving a car
    5- They will be writing that tapic

    1- I am going to be playing at 8 in the morning
    2- I am going to be in the park with my cousins ​​at 10 in the morning
    3- I am not going to be playing at 9 am in the morning
    4- She going to be practicing in the park
    5- They going to be playing in the field of Travesia

  30. Sisly Dayan Salgado Salgado BCH 1

    1-they will be doctors
    2-she will be a veterinarian
    3-I'll go to the doctor
    4-tomorrow will be exam day
    5-tomorrow I will take my dog ​​to the vet

    1-she is going to buy clothes
    2-I'm going out today
    3-I'm going out with my friends on Saturday
    4-on Sunday I'm going to see my grandmother
    5-I'm going to school tomorrow

  31. Angie Lobo Maradiaga BCH-1
    ● I will studying en el you call me
    ● i will go with you, in that case
    ● we will be teaching at the university
    ●the will be sleppeing
    ●you will not be feeding the pigs

    Going to
    ● i am going to visit a friend this afternoon
    ● we are going to wash the dishes
    ●we're going to play tennis at 7 pm
    ● i am going to work right now
    ● i m going to open the door

  32. Hello, Good morning.
    I am Oscar Alejandro Castro Cruz from BCH 1
    1. I Will be a buying a House un ten years
    2. I Will be graduating from The university
    3. I Will be flying an airplane
    4. I Will be learning to Drive
    5. I Will be writing a book
    Going yo
    1. I am going to be buying a eléctrica guitar
    2. I am going to be learning play drums
    3. I am going to be fixing a car
    4. I am going to be visiting my grandma
    5. I am going to be doing the homework

  33. Isaac Coello Cabrera BCH -1

    /- She Will be playing soccer in the field.
    /- I will be a good student.
    /- he will be driving a car.
    /- I will be playing video games.
    /- I will not go to the look the soccer

    Going to
    /- I'm going to visit my grandmother tonight
    /- I am going to look my Instagram after finish the this blog
    /- they are not going to come with us
    /- I am going to work right now.
    /- I'll be up at 5:30 in the morning

  34. Emily Gabriela Ponce Matute
    1. I am going to go now
    2. You are going to watch this movie tonight
    3. He is going to go to the mal with his sister
    4. I am going to eat a lot tomorrow at the party
    5. She is going to enjoy her birthday so much

    Will you be a pilot?
    Will you be friends forever?
    Will you recognize them?
    Will he find the way?
    Will someone show up?

  35. Good Morning mister, my name is Valeria Sofía Castro Aguilar of BCH 1.

    Going to:
    -We're going to play tennis at 7 PM.
    -She is not going to buy that car.
    -Are they going to stay at London for more than a week?
    -We are going to wash the dishes.
    -I am going to visit a friend this afternoon.

    -The house will be ready for you.
    -She will be a lawyer.
    -The boys will be good students.
    -The computer will be broken.
    -We will be in China.

  36. My name is Franklin borjas and BCH 1.

    Going to:
    -I'm going to see you tomorrow.
    -He's going to visit her next week.
    -They're going to eat out tonight.
    -She's going to leave for Europe on Monday.
    -She's going to wait me after the show.

    -You will stay home today.
    -You will be home soon.
    -She will wait for a couple of hours.
    -Sarah will choose the cake.
    -She will become a lawyer.

  37. Janeth Carolina Martínez Maradiaga BCH 1
    1. I will be a great doctor
    2. They will be good doctor
    3. I will buy a food
    4. You will give one gift
    5. She will graduate

    1 Let's go to the movies
    2 they go to work
    3 I'm going to eat chicken
    4 I'm going to visit my grandmother
    5 I'm going to study tomorrow


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Noveno-3 English Class / Mr. Matute